Monday, January 9, 2017

Details in Conversation: A Discussion

So, I'm editing like crazy these days and one thing I started to do was to add more conversation and less "Interesting Tidbits".

Here are some Writerly Jargon and I'd like to add "Interesting Tidbits" as one.

Interesting Tidbits: Those details that the Author thinks is interesting and/or creative. Those details are only there because the Author wanted to show the reader some interesting detail about the story even though that detail does not make another appearance in the story. Those details are there because the Author is boasting how creative they are.

Admit it. I do that, you do that, we all do that, we are creative writers who love to show the world how creative we can be.

Now, to get back to the topic, I have started to replace details with conversation to MAKE THEM IMPORTANT.

To give an example,
in my fantasy/adventure YA (where a bunch of people go on a journey to a high-tech land), there is an old man character named Velodis.

Velodis has this liquor that is made from acorns and other stuff called Macornium. This idea of mine has existed since almost the beginning of coming up with this novel. It's also been a sort of "Interesting Tidbit" for a long time. Well, I am a bit proud out of it because I came up with it before I was of drinking age.


Macornium was used in the story to help Velodis get a good night's sleep. But that doesn't do anything to the story. It's a detail readers would care less about.

I made a conversation out of it, an interaction between the MC and his friend (to show the MC's character) and between the MC and Velodis (who both go on the journey together).

The Macornium also comes up again to clean a wound during the journey. The wound is caused by the MC's clumsiness which gets him into a bullied situation by others which, then, further makes him doubt himself and this causes further tensions with the other journey members.


What I'm trying to say is, I found a way to justify some Interesting Tidbits. Of course not all of them can be cleverly incorporated in a conversation and that might not always be a good idea. And I have to be careful not to do it too much because then the conversation will sound forced.

Anyway (third time).

What do you do with details in conversation? Do you steer clear of them or do you try to craft them into your conversation in order to be able to keep them?
And in your opinion, are there types of details that are better to get rid of?

I think every detail should contribute to the story in some form or other. But are there ones that are better left out especially in conversation?

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