Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tips for CampNaNoWriMo

Welcome to this post, CampNaNoWriMoers.

I wouldn't call myself a veteran NaNoer but I have been through quite a few of them. And I know what you must be going through right now, trying to see into the future, one month later, when you have met your word count and feeling mighty proud of yourself...but then, there's that moment of doubt.

Can I do it? Me? Can I really commit to this? Am I serious enough to do it?

Getting those first few words down on the screen might be painful.

"Once upon a time... no that's not it. Jim was alone in the old cabin and...no that doesn't work. Where's my creative spark when I need it!"

And even if you get to 1,500 words, you still might wonder if you were in over your head when you signed up for this.

Someone of you may have even signed up with NO PLAN on how each chapter will go.

But don't fear! Here are some helpful tidbits (and an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PLANNING TOOL at the end of this article).

These are little bits from other articles in this blog. If you would like to read the article the bits came from and learn a little more, I added the link :)

Just write even if it sounds stupid.

Google wallpaper in Google Images for visual inspiration.

Write the first part on paper. Apparently the act of writing by hand can keep you focused on your story and away from distractions. But don't feel obligated to write the whole story by hand :0
(From - How to: Start Writing Again)

If you have a plot line, write the climax scene first. The one where the MC is in such trouble. Make it your temporary "prologue" and go from there. Inspire yourself :)

Writers are often pressured not to write cliche. But for NaNo, you can write cliche. Use it to get you started.

Imagine you are watching your story. Imagine an opening scene in a movie. What do we see first? Describe that.
(From - How to: Begin Writing a New Story (5 Tips))

There are many different types of beginnings, as you may well know. Here are some for you to consider trying:
"And then what happened?" beginnings make readers ask questions of which they may only find the answer if they keep reading.

"Starting with Details" beginnings get them intrigued in the scene. If they are interested, they will keep reading.

"Who's that?" beginnings get the reader hooked. They want to know who this strange person is or what they are doing in the situation they are in.

"Someone's talking" beginnings can be good if they also have an "And then what happened?" beginning feel to them. Readers will want to know why this person said what they said.

"Hi there, reader!" beginnings can bring the reader into the story itself, which can make them read on because now they are thinking, hm, maybe I know someone like this MC or have been in a similar situation or know someone in this situation...
(From - Types of Beginnings: The First Line)

If you have a plot line, and you know what scene you will start with in what chapter or basically how the story will go, ask if. This will especially help you deal with those details that you need to include in order to make the story...well, a story.
If is good :)
(From - Conquering Writer'sblockitis: Ask IF)

Increase tension using verbs.
(From - How to: Increase tension?)

All these tips are of course not just for CampNaNoWriMo but NaNoWriMo as well. And of course, it will definitely help you when writing your novel :)

Finally, the MOST IMPORTANT TOOL for writing any story, especially for those of you who don't have a plan for CampNaNo yet,

Here is the Story Outline Template for you to use at your disposal. I carefully crafted this based on my many CampNaNo and NaNo experiences. Hope it helps you, too :)
And no, it is not too late to plan.
Good luck, CampNaNoWriMo Warriors! :D

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